Matfen Village Hall

Matfen Village Hall

The village hall is right in the centre of the village. It was once part of the village school and shares the building with Matfen Store, a thriving enterprise which combines a village shop with a popular café. The open space of the village green is on its doorstep and a recently completed playpark is directly outside.

The village hall is owned by Matfen Estates, who have passed responsibility for its use and maintenance through a Trust Deed to a committee, made up of volunteers from the community.

The village hall is built in stone and retains many of its original features, both inside and out. It is an attractive and welcoming venue and the committee is keen to attract users.

Recent improvements to the village hall include  installation of an AV system, including projector, large screen, full audio system, Blu-ray DVD, broadband and induction hearing loop. Also a new kitchen is being fitted to greatly enhance the offering for those wanting to book the hall for social events, party’s etc.

For enquiries, please contact the Matfen Village Hall Committee at

Please visit the Village Hall website