Minutes of the Parish Council held in Matfen Village Hall on Monday 24th January 2022
Present: Mr Keith Mavin, Chairman of the Council together with Mr Frank Robson, Kevin George, Justin Dempsey, James Barber and Sarah Greaves.
In attendance: Mrs Mandy Senior (Clerk) Mrs Veronica Jones (County Councillor)
0122.01 RESIDENTS present raised the following matters and where relevant they are listed together with the actions that will be taken, if required. In due course, if necessary, reports will be made back to the Council.
a) Dog Fouling. A resident asked whether Matfen Village Green could have a Public Space Protection Order for the Control of Dogs to prevent dog fouling and keep dogs on a lead. County Councillor MRs V Jones advised of Northumberland County Council’s Green Dog Walkers scheme which is a community led programme to reduce dog fouling and promote responsible dog ownership. Resident is to contact Mrs Jones who will look into this.
b) Village Tidy Up. A wish list had been circulated by residents 2 years ago suggesting improvements in Matfen which included village planters amongst other initiatives. The Parish Council is happy to look into any suggestions.
c) Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Fund. Northumberland County Council has created a Fund for the purpose of enabling non-profit making community and voluntary groups, schools, local charities and Parish Council within Northumberland to apply for grant funding (up to £500) to help them take part in celebratory events to mark the jubilee. The Matfen Village Events Committee is looking to organise an event on 4 June 2022 and will be applying to the fund. Suggestions have included planter boxes at the entrance to the village and also replacing the Jubilee Tree.
0122.03 DECLARATION OF INTEREST. Cllr S Greaves declared a personal interest in matters relating to the South Hall planning application in Ingoe.
0122.04 COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT. County Councillor Mrs V Jones gave her verbal report on matters relating to Northumberland County Council and matters relating to the Matfen Parish.
a) Storm Arwen. Northumberland County Council’s focus continues to be the clear up from Storm Arwen. Problems with drains have worsened since the storm. Northumberland County Council is carrying out a review to examine the response of the Council and involved partners; the impact on communities to ensure that they are better prepared for similar events in the future. Residents are asked to submit any comments they wish to make to nccstormarwenreview@northumberland.gov.uk. Guy Opperman MP had held several public meetings and would feed the information back to NCC.
b) NCC Budget Consultation 2022-2023. Residents are being encouraged to have their say on the County Council budget proposals for next year. There will be no frontline savings cuts next year.
c) Road closure. The Ryal road will be closed from the Ingoe Junction to allow for bridge repairs which had been delayed from last year. The road will be closed from 1st March 2022 for 12 days.
d) Flooding. Flooding had occurred due to a blocked drain by The Green in Matfen. This had been reported to NCC who had been to inspect.
0122.05 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 30TH November 2021. The minutes of the meeting held on 30th November 2021 were signed and accepted as an accurate record.
a) South Hall Planning Application. Minute 1121.08b refers. There had been 12 objections lodged on the planning portal from households in Ingoe. The application had been referred to the Chair of the Planning Committee due to the number of objections from residents. The planning officer is minded to reject the application in it’s present format. After a lengthy discussion, it was AGREED to submit comments on this application raising concerns over the level of objections by residents of Ingoe and inviting the applicant to speak to the Parish Council and residents of Ingoe to try and mitigate some of the objections. The Parish Council would be happy to facilitate such a meeting.
b) Jubilee Garden. Minute 1121.09b refers. A draft plan and approximate costs had been provided for the proposed improvements to the Jubilee Garden. Plans include tree works (removing deadwood), weedkilling, pathways, planting and a seating area. The approx. cost for the whole project is £1300-£1500. It was AGREED that the Parish Council would apply to the NCC Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Fund for £500 towards the costs. There would be no costs going forward for maintenance. It was AGREED to publish the plan and ask for residents’ comments.
0122.07 FINANCE
a) Accounts for payment. It was proposed by Cllr K Mavin, seconded by Cllr F Robson and AGREED accounts on the list attached be paid.
Payee | Details | Gross payment | VAT | Net of VAT | Payment |
Mrs A Senior | Clerical services | 469.03 | 469.03 | BACS | |
H M Revenue Customs | PAYE | 117.40 | 117.40 | BACS | |
Mrs A Senior | Play area inspections | 75.00 | 75.00 | BACS | |
Unity Trust Bank | Bank account charges | 18.00 | 18.00 | DD | |
L Paterson | Public toilet cleaning | 112.50 | 112.50 | BACS | |
Northumberland CC | Additional grass cutting 2021/22 | 380.98 | 63.50 | 317.48 | BACS |
Mrs A Senior | Postages and travel | 57.24 | 57.24 | BACS | |
C White | Village Christmas Tree | 70.00 | 70.00 | BACS | |
AJG IBL | Insurance renewal | 569.32 | 569.32 | BACS | |
Income | |||||
Northumberland CC | Public toilets rates rebate | 658.68 | 658.68 | 10.12.21 | |
Unity Trust Bank | Bank Account interest | 0.62 | 0.62 | 31.12.21 |