Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held in Matfen Village Hall on Tuesday 26 November 2019
PRESENT: Mr Stuart Mills, Chairman of the Council together with Mr Frank Robson, Mrs Ann Gregory-Smith,
Keith Mavin
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs Mandy Senior (Clerk);
Residents: Phillip Chaffer, Rachael Dempsey
1119.1. RESIDENTS present raised several matters and where relevant they are listed together with the actions
that will be taken, if required. In due course, if necessary, reports will be made back to the Council.
a) DEFIBRILLATOR/CPR TRAINING. Rachael Dempsey had arranged a defibrillator/CPR training session in the Village Hall on 13 January 2020 from 10-12 and 17 January 2020 from 7.15pm-9.15pm. The Parish Council agreed to fund the hire of the Village Hall, if required. The defibrillator had had to be used recently so this training may prove very useful in the future. Rachael was thanked for arranging this.
1119.2. TO CONSIDER CO-OPTION TO FILL ONE VACANCY. It was AGREED to co-opt Mr Keith Mavin onto the
Parish Council to fill one vacancy. Mr Mavin took his seat.
his declaration of acceptance of office in the presence of the Clerk, Mrs Mandy Senior.
1119.4. TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Apologies received and accepted from Cllr C Austin and Cllr K
Irving. Apologies also received from County Council Mrs V Jones.
1119.6. COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT. Unfortunately, County Councillor Mrs V Jones was unable to attend
the meeting however had given an update on the following issues:-
a) RYAL. Cllr Mrs Jones is dealing with the issues in Ryal and liaising with Mr Kelly. There are some issues with trees. NCC is progressing to service notice on the enforcement issues.
b) HIGHWAYS. The issues with the corner by Standing Stones Farm are being discussed with highways. Cllr Mrs Jones is liaising with Matfen Estates.
1119.7. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 24TH SEPTEMBER 2019. It was proposed by Cllr S Mills, seconded
by Cllr Mrs A Gregory Smith and AGREED to accept the minutes as an accurate record.
a) CHRISTMAS TREE. The Community Projects Group had ordered a 15 feet Christmas Tree which is due to be delivered on 4 December. Battery powered timer lights will be placed on the tree. It was suggested that a tree could be planted on the Village Green to decorate year after year.
b) MATFEN BRIDGE. Concerns had been expressed at the last meeting over the safety of the bridge. Northumbrian Water had inspected the bridge and advise that they have no concerns.
c) OVERGROWN LANE. The Community Projects Group have discussed the allotments with Matfen Estates. James from Matfen Estates agreed to have a look to see if they could help with any tidying up. The highway is the responsibility of NCC and it is possible that it is a public right of way. This will be looked into further. Action: Mrs Senior will check the public rights of way map.
a) ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT. It was proposed by Cllr S Mills, seconded by Cllr Mrs A Gregory Smith and AGREED accounts on the list attached be paid.
Payee |
Detail |
Cheque Issued |
Net of VAT |
Cheque Number |
H M Revenue Customs |
113.80 |
113.80 |
101073 |
Matfen Village Hall |
Hall rental |
10.00 |
10.00 |
101074 |
Mrs A Senior |
Play Area inspection |
75.00 |
75.00 |
101075 |
J C Accountants |
Internal audit fee |
36.00 |
6.00 |
30.00 |
101076 |
Mrs A Senior |
Clerical Services |
455.60 |
455.60 |
101077 |
Mrs A Senior |
Play area inspection |
75.00 |
75.00 |
101079 |
Matfen Village Hall |
Hall rent |
10.00 |
10.00 |
101080 |
Matfen Hall Cricket Club |
Replacement cheque for 101055 |
500.00 |
500.00 |
101081 |
Mrs L Paterson |
Replacement cheque for 101059 |
112.50 |
112.50 |
101082 |
G & L Paterson |
Replacement cheque for 101060 |
50.00 |
50.00 |
101083 |
Northumberland CC |
Replacement cheque for 101054 |
324.06 |
324.06 |
101084 |
RBL Poppy Appeal |
Remembrance Day Wreath |
30.00 |
30.00 |
101085 |
Sport Tynedale |
Grant aid 2019/20 |
50.00 |
50.00 |
101086 |
Matfen Village Hall |
Replacement cheques 101046 & 101052 |
20.00 |
20.00 |
101087 |
GJP Services |
Remove and dispose of 3 broken seats |
75.00 |
75.00 |
101088 |
Marmax Products |
Picnic bench & 2 seats |
1157.76 |
192.96 |
964.80 |
101089 |
Subscription 2020 |
39.10 |
39.10 |
101090 |
PayeeCont…..d |
Detail |
Cheque Issued |
Net of VAT |
Cheque Number |
The Stephen Carey Fund |
Defibrillator pads |
78.28 |
78.28 |
101091 |
Matfen Village Hall |
Grant aid – bonfire insurance |
260.00 |
260.00 |
101092 |
Matfen PCC |
Grant aid |
450.00 |
450.00 |
101093 |
Community Action Nland |
Grant aid |
30.00 |
30.00 |
101094 |
b) BANK RECONCILATION. It was AGREED to accept and approve the bank reconciliation up to 28 October 2019. Balances on the account confirmed at £35,225.00.
c) BARCLAYS BANK. Cllrs S Mills and Mrs A Gregory Smith had updated the signatories on the account.
d) TO CONSIDER AND AGREE DRAFT BUDGET 2020-2021. A draft budget had been prepared showing projected expenditure for 2020-21 at £11,065. The expected balance of funds at the end of this financial year is £28,027. The Parish Council agreed to ringfence £15,000 towards the new play area. After discussion, it was AGREED to keep the precept at £10,500.
e) TO CONSIDER AND APPROVE PAYMENT OF BONFIRE INSURANCE. It was AGREED to pay £260 to the Village Hall for the Bonfire Insurance. It was noted that Matfen Village Hall pay for the fireworks.
f) TO CONSIDER AND APPROVE PAYMENT FOR REPLACEMENT PADS FOR THE DEFIBRILLATOR. It was AGREED to pay £78.28 to the Village Hall for the replacement defibrillator pads.
g) TO CONSIDER REQUEST FROM MATFEN PCC FOR CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS GRASS CUTTING IN THE CHURCHYARDS. It was AGREED to contribute £450 towards the maintenance of the churchyards.
1119.10. CORRESPONDENCE. All correspondence received since the September 2019 meeting had been listed on
the agenda and circulated to all councillors.
a) REQUEST FOR GRANT AID. A request had been received from Community Action Northumberland for financial assistance. After discussion, it was AGREED to donate £30.00.
b) REQUEST FOR HEDGEHOG WARNING SIGNS. A request had been made to provide hedgehog warning signs in Ingoe. It was felt that signs are ineffective and after discussion, the Parish Council decided not to support the request.
c) COMMUNITY ACTION NORTHUMBERLAND – INVITATION TO AGM. Invitation received to AGM to be held on 4 November 2019 at 2pm in Blanchland Village Hall.
d) NORTHUMBRIAN CITIZENS ADVICE. Invitation received to AGM to celebrate 80 years of this service. It is to be held on Wednesday 20th November 2019 in Stannington Village Hall at 1pm.
e) NORTHUMBERLAND TOWN AND PARISH COUNCIL CHARTER. Northumberland County Council had circulated the revised charter which has been developed in partnership with all Northumberland Town and Parish Councils and represents a mutual agreement between the two tiers of local government. The document has been circulated to all Parish Councillors.
f) NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY COUNCIL – PROPOSAL TO MAKE A PSPO FOR THE CONTROL OF DOGS. The Council made a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for dog control under section 59 of The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime & Policing Act 2014 in 2017. The Council is now making a new PSPO to replace the same to take account of some alterations which do not fall within the scope of variations permitted under section 61 of the Act (principally the arrangements and definitions of “assistance dogs”) but otherwise the new PSPO will be of substantially the same effect as that currently in force.
g) NORTHUMBERLAND LOCAL PLAN – NOTIFICATION OF EXAMINATION HEARINGS. Public hearings for Chapter 13 of the Northumberland Local Plan will be held at Morpeth Town Hall on 5th and 6th February 2020.
• NALC – weekly eNews
• Clerks AND Councils Direct – November 2019 Issue 126
19/01763/FUL High Bellridge, Ingoe Conversion of existing agricultural barn to 2 x holiday lets WITHDRAWN
19/02890/LBC West Fenwick Farm, Fenwick Listed Building Consent for internal and external repair works; restoration and modernisation of the property GRANTED1119.12. VILLAGE ISSUES.
a) TO DISCUSS MILLENNIUM GARDEN AND IT’S UPKEEP. Matfen Estates is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the Millennium Garden. It was noted that the hedge around the garden needs cutting back. James (Matfen Estates) advised that he would be happy to receive any suggestions for the use of the area.
b) TO CONSIDER AND APPROVE PROPOSALS FOR THE NEW PLAY AREA ON THE VILLAGE GREEN. The updated plans for the play area were discussed. The play area will consist of a birds nest swing, agility trail and climbing unit with double slide. The plans had been displayed on bonfire night, at Great Whittington and Matfen WIs and will be displayed after the carols on 10 December in the Village Hall. Matfen Estates had confirmed they were happy with the proposals and they will draft a Memorandum of Agreement between themselves and the Parish Council. This will state that the Parish Council is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the area and will keep the area in a good state of repair. The plans were AGREED in principle however not all funding is in place. It may be that the play area is installed on a phased basis. The Parish Council AGREED to contribute £15,000 towards the scheme. It was AGREED to apply to the Pocket Parks for the remaining cost of the park. The deadline for submission is 31 December 2019 and it was AGREED that the clerk will put together the information for this application. The Parish Council need to match fund the amount of the application. Cllr Stuart Mills is to contact Willy B-S about the possibility of applying to the Ray Wind Fund. Rachael Dempsey is obtaining a separate quote for the fencing. Actions: Cllr S Mills to contact Willy B-S re Ray Wind Fund. Mrs M Senior to apply to Pocket Parks for ½ the cost of the play area.
c) NOTICE BOARDS. The two new notice boards for Ryal and Ingoe still need to be installed. Mrs Senior will liaise with Cllrs C Austin and F Robson to arrange installation.
d) COMMUNITY PROJECTS GROUP. It was AGREED that the Community Projects Group would be considered a sub committee of the Parish Council with Cllr K Mavin as the representative.
1119.14. DATE OF NEXT MEETING. The next meeting is to be held on Tuesday 28th January 2020 at 7.00pm in
the Village Hall.